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PrzeglÄ…d stron zagranicznych :  Paliatywna sedacja :  Ochrona przed bólem i opieka paliatywna :  Bioetyka / Etyka medyczna :  Etyka stosowana i zawodowa :  Etyka :  powrót 


Margaret P. Battin, Terminal Sedation: Pulling the Sheet over Our Eyes

Jeffrey T. Berger, Rethinking Guidelines for the Use of Palliative Sedation

Adam Brimelow, The alternative to euthanasia?

Dieter Birnbacher, Terminal Sedation, Euthanasia, and Causal Roles

Susan D. Bruce, Cristina C. Hendrix, Jennifer H. Gentry, Palliative Sedation in End-of-Life Care

Eduardo Bruera, Palliative Sedation: When and How?

Nathan I. Cherny, Lukas Radbruch, European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) recommended framework for the use of sedation in palliative care

N. Cherny The use of sedation to relieve cancer patients’ suffering at the end of life: addressing critical issues

Conseil National de l’ordre des medecins, Fin de vie

Johannes J. M. van Delden, Terminal sedation: source of a restless ethical debate

Howard M. Ducharme, Robert J. Kingsbury, Two Perspectives on Total/Terminal/Palliative Sedation

Fraser Health, Refractory Symptoms and Palliative Sedation Therapy Guideline

Eric L. Krakauer et al., Sedation for Intractable Distress of a Dying Patient: Acute Palliative Care and the Principle of Double Effect

Timothy W. Kirk et al., National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) Position Statement and Commentary on the Use of Palliative Sedation in Imminently Dying Terminally Ill Patients

Bryan C. W. Li, Palliative Sedation

Kevin B. O’Reilly, AMA meeting: AMA OKs palliative sedation for terminally ill

Wesley J. Smith, Liverpool Care Pathway: The Road to Backdoor Euthanasia

M. Maltoni et al., Palliative sedation therapy does not hasten death: results from a prospective multicenter study

Daniel Martin, Doctors admit to practising 'slow euthanasia' on terminally-ill patients

Tatsuya Morita et al., Practices and Attitudes of Japanese Oncologists and Palliative Care Physicians Concerning Terminal Sedation: A Nationwide Survey

H. Christof Muller-Busch, Inge Andres, Thomas Jehser, Sedation in palliative care – a critical analysis of 7 years experience

National Center for Ethics in Health Care Veterans Health Administration, The Ethics of Palliative Sedation: A Report by the National Ethics Committee of the Veterans Health Administration

David Orentlicher, The Supreme Court and Terminal Sedation: Rejecting Assisted Suicide, Embracing Euthanasia

Clive Seale, Continuous Deep Sedation in Medical Practice: A Descriptive Study

Nigel Sykes, Andrew Thorns, Sedative Use in the Last Week of Life and the Implications for End-of-Life Decision Making

Paul Rousseau, Palliative Sedation in the Management of Refractory Symptoms

Timothy E. Quill TE, Bernard Lo, Dan W. Brock, Palliative Options of Last resort: a Comparison of Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking, Terminal sedation, Physician-assisted Suicide, and Voluntary Active Euthanasia

Timothy E. Quill, Ira R. Byock, Responding to Intractable Terminal Suffering: The Role of Terminal Sedation and Voluntary Refusal of Food and Fluids

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