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Issue 38 (December 2013)

Discrimination against same-sex couples (in Polish)

about author

Krzysztof Saja, PhD
University of Szczecin
Department of Philosophy
ul. Krakowska 71-79
71-004 Szczecin
e-mail: krzysztof.saja (at)
text (PDF)


Krzysztof Saja, Discrimination against same-sex couples (in Polish), Diametros 34 (December 2012)

In my paper I discuss the argument that the absence of the legal possibility to contract same-sex marriages is discriminatory. I argue that there is no analogy between the legal situation of same-sex couples and African-Americans, women or disabled persons in the nineteenth century. There are important natural differences between same-sex and different-sex couples that are good reasons for the legal disparities between them. The probability of having and raising children is one of them. Therefore, demanding that same-sex couples have rights similar to those that married couples currently have in Poland and justifying that claim by alleged discrimination is neither correct nor fair.

Keywords: discrimination, homosexuality, same-sex couples, marriage, justice, human rights.
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