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2013 Canadian Palliative Care Conference – „The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference is the foremost national conference in Canada focusing on hospice palliative care. This year’s conference, Integrating Hospice Palliative Care into Health Care: Moving Forward, will take place from October 31 to November 3, 2013 in Ottawa, Ontario at the Westin Ottawa. The conference provides doctors, nurses, pharmacists, hospice palliative care and other allied healthcare professionals; and caregivers, volunteers, spiritual advisers, and social workers with the opportunity to share their experience and expertise on a national platform. This event continues to attract 600-800 hospice palliative care professionals each year and comprises many cutting-edge presentations and research outcomes”.

8th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care – „The EAPC world research congresses have been arranged every other year since the first congress in Berlin in 2000. Since then they have steadily grown larger, both with regards to participants and submitted abstracts, and is now the most important meeting place for palliative care researchers. At the congress cutting edge research from a variety of professions is presented and discussed in the sessions, but just as important are the informal meetings taking place outside the lecture halls”.

14th World Congress of the EAPC in Copenhagen – „It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 14th World Congress of the EAPC in Copenhagen, May 8-10, 2015. Palliative Care practice is complex and challenging and its success depends on building bridges between different professional and non professional groups, disciplines, countries, regions and continents”.

Ethics and evidence in end of life decision making. Interdisciplinary perspectives – „End-of-life decision making has been subject of intensive normative as well as empirical analysis. Traditionally, the question of what constitutes a good end of life is dealt with in the field of normative ethics. However, socio-empirical and clinical research can deliver important information for ethical judgements about end-of-life practice. Moreover, an in creasing number of research studies focus on eliciting data which are relevant for ethical considerations near the end of life. In recent years several interventions have been developed which shall support practice and decision making in ethically difficult situations. The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers from different scientific fields in europe and the us who are currently conducting research which can further the understanding of end-of-life decision making and stimulate the development of interventions which may support patients, care-givers and healthcare professionals with ethically difficult decisions at the end of life”.

Improving End of Life Care: Beyond the Liverpool Care Pathway – „This conference focuses on improving the quality of end of life care in light of the review into the Liverpool Care Pathway”.

International Symposium on Supportive Care in Cancer – „The annual international scientific symposium shares the most recent research in supportive care via lectures, podium abstract presentations, posters, and satellite seminars”.

Palliative and end of life care: next steps for funding, commissioning services and provision of care – „This seminar will examine the future of the funding, commissioning and delivery of services for palliative and end of life care. Following the release of the Government's review into the Liverpool Care Pathway, delegates will discuss the next steps for policy in end of life care, including the progress of the Department of Health pilot sites, and the next steps for implementing the new system for funding palliative care by 2015. Further sessions will focus on the commissioning and delivery of services in the reformed NHS, and key issues such as regional variations, improving patient experiences, and ensuring that there is not a short-fall in numbers of specialist end of life care teams”.

Sapporo Conference for Palliative and Supportive Care in Cancer – „The list of presenters scheduled to attend the Sapporo Conference from overseas is filled with specialists world-renowned for their expertise, to the point that this conference could be called a world summit on palliative medicine for cancer patients. We invite you to participate in the discussions, to help advance the field of cancer patient palliative care”.

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