The Risk of Equal Positive Liberty (in Polish)

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Andrzej Stoiński


The article deals with selected problems related to the postulates of equalizing the level of positive liberty. The classic understanding of individual freedom as negative freedom, identified with the lack of compulsion, can be opposed to the so-called positive liberty. The latter notion is usually defined in terms of ability, which suggests that there is a relation between the concept of freedom and the concept of power. The postulate of equality with regard to the ‘freedom to’ would occasionally justify social redistribution of goods. The cases of voluntary and compulsory donation are considered in the text the aim of which is to picture the consequences resulting from the compulsory expansion of the scope of positive liberty. Moreover, an attempt to compare the significance of both types of liberty, with a special emphasis on the moral context, has also been made.


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How to Cite
Stoiński, Andrzej. 2016. “The Risk of Equal Positive Liberty (in Polish)”. Diametros, no. 49 (September):121-38.
Author Biography

Andrzej Stoiński, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Andrzej Stoiński, PhDUniversity of Warmia and Mazury in OlsztynDepartment of Philosophyul. K. Obitza 2.E-mail:

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