William James’ Ideomotor Theory of Action (in Polish)

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Adriana Schetz


The paper discusses the view of William James on the contribution of will to our decisions to act. According to James, our voluntary action, which for him is strongly connected with an intention to do something, occurs when the subject of the action knows its sensorimotor effects. An attempt has been made to defend James’ view and rebut popular criticisms aiming to undermine the role of knowledge in voluntary action. The paper also offers to identify a contemporary context for the ideomotor theory of action. It is argued that such a context is provided by the enactive theory of perception.


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How to Cite
Schetz, Adriana. 2015. “William James’ Ideomotor Theory of Action (in Polish)”. Diametros, no. 43 (March):137-57. https://doi.org/10.13153/diam.43.2015.721.
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Author Biography

Adriana Schetz, University of Szczecin

Adriana Schetz, drInstitut of PhilosophyUniversity of Szczecinul. Krakowska 71-7671-017 SzczecinE-mail: adriana.schetz@gmail.com
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