Heidegger on values, will to power and nihilism (in Polish)

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Stanisław Łojek


According to Heidegger, thinking about the world in terms of values makes it impossible for things to appear as they are. Nietzsche's philosophy is for him the philosophy of value par excellence. The will to power (which includes all that is) establishes values as the conditions of its own preservation and growth. Entering into a critical engagement with Nietzschean metaphysics, Heidegger also notes that it is the culmination and fulfillment of the history of Western thought and, as such, it most clearly expresses the way of thinking about reality that defines the modern period. Accordingly, I read Heidegger's discussion of values, will to power and nihilism as an original interpretation of the key concepts of Nietzsche's philosophy and a thorough diagnosis of our age. Toward the end I also point to one element of that philosophy which would allow Nietzsche enter into a critical engagement with Heidegger.


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How to Cite
Łojek, Stanisław. 2012. “Heidegger on Values, Will to Power and Nihilism (in Polish)”. Diametros, no. 33 (September):58-75. https://doi.org/10.13153/diam.33.2012.490.
Author Biography

Stanisław Łojek, Jagiellonian University

Stanisław Łojek, PhD Jagiellonian University Institute of European Studies ul. Jodłowa 13 Pl-30-252 Kraków e-mail: lajcyk@poczta.onet.pl
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