Ernst Cassirer as a historian of thought and a philosopher of the affirmation of science (in Polish)

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Anna Musioł


This paper presents Ernst Cassirer’s critical philosophy and its multidimensionality, which makes it possible link the quantitative methodology of the exact sciences with non-quantitative methodology of the humanities. In the text I undertake the task of presenting the thinker as a neo-Kantian who follows both the mathematical and physical path of Kant and the antinaturalistic path of Geistesgeschichte, as befits Cassirer’s as both a philosopher and a historian of philosophy who builds his own project of the philosophy of culture. I also point to an important issue for Cassirer, the matter of the historic consciousness of Wilhelm Dilthey who allows for the interpretation of the problem of man in the context – as Paczkowska-Łagowska puts it – of the "historical continuity of the tradition".


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How to Cite
Musioł, Anna. 2011. “Ernst Cassirer As a Historian of Thought and a Philosopher of the Affirmation of Science (in Polish)”. Diametros, no. 29 (September):71-79.
Author Biography

Anna Musioł, University of Silesia in Katowice

Anna Musioł, PhD University of Silesia in Katowice ul. Bankowa 11 40-007 Katowice Poland
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