Globalization and justice (in Polish)

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Jan Woleński


Globalization consists in the universality of the web of international economic and cultural interactions; this means that they comprise the entire world, not only its particular regions. Globalization processes are evaluated in various manners. Whereas some consider them to be an essential danger, others maintain that globalization is a device for solving many problems worrying humanity. This second perspective assumes that globalization will contribute to a relative equilibrium of the social structure of the world. The problem of the distribution of deficit goods (on a global scale), e.g. food or water, is a good example of questions related to globalization. The claim that distribution should be just seems natural. This paper introduces the category of participatory justice as a conceptual device which can help in considerations about the just distribution of goods.


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How to Cite
Woleński, Jan. 2010. “Globalization and Justice (in Polish)”. Diametros, no. 26 (December):188-205.
Special topic – Global justice
Author Biography

Jan Woleński

prof. dr hab. Jan Woleński, Instytut Filozofii UJ
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