The illusion of primordialness. Derrida’s critique of the theory of phenomenological experience

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Marcin Waligóra


The aim of this article is to present a critical overview of Jacques Derrida’s objections to the theories of phenomenological experience. I present and analyze Derrida’s principal arguments which show that the primordial character of such experiences is only apparent. I also try to sketch a possible line of defense and to undermine some of the interpretational presuppositions introduced by the author of La voix et le phénomène.


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How to Cite
Waligóra, Marcin. 2008. “The Illusion of Primordialness. Derrida’s Critique of the Theory of Phenomenological Experience”. Diametros, no. 18 (December):68-87.
Author Biography

Marcin Waligóra

Marcin Waligóra - dr, adiunkt w Zakładzie Filozofii i Bioetyki CM UJ. email: m.waligora[at]
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