Being and properties according to Anselm of Canterbury

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Leopold Hess


The topic of the article is St. Anselm’s ontological argument. This is not, however, an attempt to interpret or evaluate the proof itself, but rather to place it in a broader theoretical context. The proper aim of the article is to present a (modest) proposal of a theory of metaphysics within which this proof could be considered and acknowledged as correct. This proposal is presented in two steps: in the first the author presents a sketch of a formal theory of being and properties; in the second he offers a sketch of a model that is appropriate for this theory. His intention is also that the proposed theory be as close as possible to Anselm’s theory as it is found in his writings. He also considers Anselm’s position in the matter of universals and the suggested nominalist interpretation of his metaphysics. The final part of the article shows Anselm’s originality, especially as regards his method of reasoning.


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How to Cite
Hess, Leopold. 2007. “Being and Properties According to Anselm of Canterbury”. Diametros, no. 13 (September):40-57.
Author Biography

Leopold Hess

Leopold Hess - student Międzywydziałowych Studiów Humanistycznych na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim.
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