What can we know about man? An analysis of the concept of knowledge that is of use to philosophical anthropology

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Konrad Werner


In the article I consider whether philosophical anthropology offers knowledge about man. I begin with a definition of knowledge, then I present philosophical anthropology against the background of other kinds of anthropology. Having explained what is proper to it, I show that its goal cannot be the attainment of knowledge. Knowledge has requirements that an unreduced philosophical anthropology cannot fulfill; reduction deprives it of what is proper to it. However, the fact that it does not produce knowledge is not a defect. The goal of my article is to create a common arena for considering various different approaches to man; this requires that the various parties admit that man cannot be reduced to what can be known about him. In order to know something, it is necessary to use carefully selected methods; it is not the case that merely saying something about man implies the possession of knowledge about him.


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How to Cite
Werner, Konrad. 2007. “What Can We Know about Man? An Analysis of the Concept of Knowledge That Is of Use to Philosophical Anthropology”. Diametros, no. 11 (March):83-110. https://doi.org/10.13153/diam.11.2007.269.
Author Biography

Konrad Werner

Konrad Werner Uniwersytet Jagielloński, III rok filozofii
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