On the Deprivation Account of the Evil of Death

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Jacek Malczewski


This paper is a short presentation of the Deprivation Account of the Evil of Death. According to this account, death is not an evil to us due to any of its positive features (it has none), but only due to some good, valuable and desirable things it deprives us of.

Departing from Epicurus’ famous argument against the fear of death, I briefly reconstruct the Deprivation Account, as proposed by Thomas Nagel, and then discuss one important objection against it – that it is implausible to judge the evil of death from the standpoint of “subjective immortality”. Finally, I distinguish two levels within the Deprivation Account – an “absolute” one, and a “relative” one, which enables us to judge some deaths as lesser evil or “negative good”.


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How to Cite
Malczewski, Jacek. 2007. “On the Deprivation Account of the Evil of Death”. Diametros, no. 11 (March):1-9. https://doi.org/10.13153/diam.11.2007.265.
Author Biography

Jacek Malczewski

Jacek Malczewski, absolwent prawa i student filozofii w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, doktorant w Katedrze Historii Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji UJ; zajmuje się historią idei oraz etyką praktyczną.
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