The subjectivity of the Great Apes

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Robert Roczeń


The question of the intellectual abilities and personal features of the Great Apes is widely discussed in academic literature. The discourse usually concentrates on comparisons to the human mind, but such criteriona areis not reliable because they don’t allow us to analysisze the personal being of primates in terms of its fundamental features. The borderline between Homo sapiens and the Great Apes is not as sharp as it seems. There is a continuous transition between them as regards Pparticulars phenomena, which. makes it possible to single out only extreme examples. Do the Great Apes therefore have features which put them in a special position in terms of humans law? The notion of “person” makes enables us to consider this issue.


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How to Cite
Roczeń, Robert. 2006. “The Subjectivity of the Great Apes”. Diametros, no. 9 (September):126-35.
Ecology and the Human Condition
Author Biography

Robert Roczeń

Dr n. med. Robert Roczeń, anestezjolog, pracuje w Sanofi-Aventis Sp.z o. o. jako Medical Manager. Interesuje się filozofią medycyny, bioetyką. Autor i współautor artykułów oraz referatów z etyki medycznej, transplantologii i tanatologii. Publikował w „Archiwum Historii i Filozofii Medycyny” (4/2001), „Etyce” (35/2002), „Zagadnieniach Naukoznawstwa” (2/2005). Śmierć mózgu a dopuszczalność transplantacji w etykach religii monoteistycznych to temat pracy doktorskiej, której przewód wszczęto w Instytucie Filozofii Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
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