Are Ethical Norms Commands?

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Jacek Wojtysiak


In this paper I try to defend the thesis that theistic ethical theories (TETs) give the best explanation of the existence and obligatory character of universal, objective and unconditional moral norms. According to these theories God is the only absolute and personal warrant of morality. The advantage of TETs over other non-reductive ethical theories (i.e. theories of human nature and theories of moral values) consists in the following factors: simplicity, explanatory power, normativity, and personal analogy. There are different kinds of TETs. One of them is Divine Command Ethics (DCE), which claims that God indirectly creates moral norms by a free act of the Divine Will and that ‘to be right’ means ‘to be commanded by God’. The last part of the paper is a polemic against ethical relativism. In my opinion only DCE overcomes relativism in theory as well as in practice.


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How to Cite
Wojtysiak, Jacek. 2006. “Are Ethical Norms Commands?”. Diametros, no. 7 (March):56-81.
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(Bibliografia zawiera wyłącznie pozycje, do których bezpośrednio odnoszę się w niniejszym tekście; w niektórych pracach, zwłaszcza J.M. Idziak, występują dalsze, bogate odniesienia.)

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