Neo-Aristotelian Defense of Rights, or a Minimal State Approach

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Dariusz Juruś


In the paper I discuss the theory developed by Douglas D. Rasmussen and Douglas J. Den Uyl, who try to find new grounds for defending rights. Drawing upon Aristotle and his virtue ethics, they do not, however, employ the Aristotelian point of view, but present the neo-Aristotelian approach. They claim that rights should be conceived of not as normative but as metanormative principles. Rasmussen and Den Uyl argue that the fundamental right to liberty should be protected by the state. The only role of the state is to be limited to the protection of right to liberty and in turn to the protection of self-directness. The authors defend the right to liberty on moral grounds. It seems, however, that the minimal state approach and moralistic defense of self-directness cannot be combined.


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How to Cite
Juruś, Dariusz. 2005. “Neo-Aristotelian Defense of Rights, or a Minimal State Approach”. Diametros, no. 5 (September):1-20.
Author Biography

Dariusz Juruś, Uniwersytet Śląski

Dariusz Juruś – doktor, adiunkt na Uniwersytecie Śląskim.
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