Can the Cognition of Brahman be Desired? (in Polish)

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Paweł Sajdek


Śankara did not comment on the first sūtra in his Brahmasūtrabhāṣya, which was a common practice in such cases; rather, he started by defining two terms: ‘superimposition’ (adhyāsa) and ‘ignorance’ (avidyā), in a special introductory chapter known to a wider audience as Adhyāsabhāṣya. The question arises as to why he deemed it necessary to precede his commentary to the initial sūtra with these additional elucidations. Bhāmatī, Vācaspati Miśra’s commentary on Mahāsūtrabhāṣya, seems to shed some light on the problem. According to the doctrine of advaita, the phrase ‘desire to know Brahman’ (brahmajijñāsā) in the first sūtra seems prima facie to have no meaning. Thus, the introductory commentary is an explanation of an idea of Brahman which is foreign to advaita.


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How to Cite
Sajdek, Paweł. 2018. “Can the Cognition of Brahman Be Desired? (in Polish)”. Diametros 56 (56):39-50.
Special Topic – Indian Philosophy
Author Biography

Paweł Sajdek, Pedagogical University of Krakow

Paweł Sajdek, ProfessorPedagogical University of KrakowDepartment of Philosophy and Sociologyul. Podchorążych 2Pl-30-084 Kraków


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